Klientide tagasisided



Kiidetud 15.11.2024 09:32:58

Koostöö toimib kenasti. Alati leitakse lahendus

Kiidetud 15.11.2024 09:10:49

Usaldusväärsus, kiirus, kokkulepitud kvaliteet

Kiidetud 14.11.2024 09:25:51

Profesionaalsed inimesed kellega on hea koos tööd teha.

Kiidetud 14.11.2024 09:05:49

Koostöö Leviraga on olnud tõesti super

Kiidetud 13.11.2024 14:52:32

Excellent customer service. Good value for money of the offered services. Flexibility in approach, allowing to find a workable for both sides solutions.

Kiidetud 13.11.2024 14:39:55

Inimesed Leviras mõtlevad alati kaasa ja proovivad leida parima võimaliku lahenduse.

Kiidetud 12.11.2024 14:35:29

Great service and super clear in communication and set up of services.

Kiidetud 12.11.2024 13:25:09

Levira are always responsive, knowledgable and calm, they resolve any issue (although these are very, very rare) very quickly and efficiently, I completely trust Levira and feel very at ease working with them. It's a very easy, stress free partnership.

Kiidetud 12.11.2024 11:28:29

Channel playout very rarely has any issues and any problems are quickly diagnosed and fixed by an attentive and able team.

Kiidetud 11.11.2024 13:31:34